Mittwoch, 6. August 2014

Everyone else is a liar. Don't trust them

My god... I know kids that form a better argument than some chemtards do. Isn't it amazing how incredibly lazy some chemtards defend their position? Look at the comment below from this video.

Doug De Vries 
they don't talk about what you call "chemtrails" at all. they are talking about tracer agents released by rockets to study winds in the upper atmosphere and electrical interactions in the ionosphere. they aren't blanketing the sky with these tracers, and these rocket launches are announced months in advance.

i wonder, why the only evidence you conspiracy theorists can come up with are youtube videos that do not support their claims??

Doug is making a compelling argument. Wonder how the chemtards will defend their cause now.
k kb

A troll. Everyone, Doug De Vries is a troll, please ignore him. There is a tremendous amount of evidence out there, videos, images and testimonials, results from microscopic analyses of tissue samples and more. There are private companies contracted to do the dirty work of releasing chemtrails and do geo-engineering.

Questioning the motives of Doug and not answering his argument head on. Good rebuttal, chap.
Kyong Chinpao

+k kb Everyone that opposes my view is a troll or government agent. Hey everyone don't listen to people that oppose our views. They are just there to disrupt our views. We are special. We have the truth. Other people are government agents and trolls. Other people are sheeple. They know nothing. They are being manipulated by the mind control poison of the illuminati. WE have the TRUTH, right?!

These sites are also from the government so IT MUST BE A LIE, right?

Oh yeah, you are going to be covered by my super cool new website:

Montag, 4. August 2014

You will never win an argument against a chemtard

I know that I am wasting my time. It's just a fact that you will never win an argument against a chemtard. They will come up with the most preposterous, unscientific and even effortless banter in order to prove chemtrails are not a hoax. However, to call it time-wasting is perhaps the wrong expression. It actually is quiet funny to attempt to burst their bubble. Mainly because their excuses are incredibly retarded and funny at the same time, but also due to their ability to counter your arguments with useless banter. If you like winning arguments without winning the discussion itself, you will really like having discussions with these people. It is actually a skill to pull the most ridiculous reasons for phenomena out of your arse. For that I have to give them some credit.

An example of a comment from someone who is really eager to explain his position:


+Kyong Chinpao This is actually a good response!  I don't agree with the premise that hearing weird things(science fiction would be a good example.  Some of it actually came true.) interferes with learning.  In fact, weird things might cause someone to really investigate things.  It may pique their interest.  I would suggest that "scientists" observe things a little more, and the chemtrailers might lead them to that.  What if the increase in con/chemtrails is due to the earth tilting on its axis, making our atmosphere change in some way, and not due to more air traffic(an automatic assumption by the way)?

"what if"
You know he will pull something out of his arse.

"more air traffic(...)assumption"
Hmm, yeah. Probably more than an assumption.

"earth tilting on its axis, making our atmosphere change in some way"
And meteorology explained in a short phrase by a chemtard.

weird things(science fiction would be a good example...)

Yeah... Such a typical irrational statement. Not realising more science fiction turned out to be untrue.

Chemtard update:

+Kyong Chinpao I have looked up some contrail sites due to people against the belief of chemtrails pointing them out to me.  Is that learning?  I did find out there are many more qualified people talking about this stuff, than I could ever hope to be.  I know you like to bash the people who disagree with you.  I would suggest that anyone trying to improve things in any way, is, at least, doing something(whether you agree with what they are doing or not). 
He knows I like to bash people who disagree. Who doesn't? I mean, I would evaluate their position but if I am right, then of course I'd like to bash people. At least I am actually evaluating their position. That is more than we can expect from them. If they would, they wouldn't be here. Oh yeah, he also admitted that members of the contrail site where much more qualified than he is.
Kyong Chinpao
+mmakshak "I have looked up some contrail sites due to people against the belief of chemtrails pointing them out to me.  Is that learning?  I did find out there are many more qualified people talking about this stuff, than I could ever hope to be."

On those sites you've found people that are more qualified to talk about these themes. If you do not have the merit to understand the explanations posted there, then what makes you go around promoting awareness of a hoax?

Let me keep it short by using an analogy:
If you have to fix an engine problem of your car and have no idea of its mechanics, do you think you should: 1. do it anyway because you think you might make a difference (even though the difference you are making could potentially make things worse); 2. trust people who are educated in the field.

If you do not have the means or the capacity to evaluate a theory, i.e. whether it is plausible or not, then you should trust the scientific consensus (if there is one). You feel the need to defend your position, which means that your ego is suffering under the obvious defeat you are facing. You have said: 1. a lot of people are better educated; 2. you are to lazy to be active in politics.

What do you think you are achieving with this hoax?

Samstag, 2. August 2014

About satanic numerology and MH17

stewart watling (OP) said:
Photo of the fighter jet,its number 69,reversed its 69,satanic numerology.I don't believe a plane was shot down,these photos are just that,photos.

Freaking genius. The NWO left traces everywhere and this guy has figured it all out.

Kyong Chinpao

 "I don't believe"
"satanic numerology"
You forgot to mention jews somewhere in your mindless babble. You also forgot cold facts but belief and feeling > facts, right?

stewart watling

+Kyong Chinpao Of course your'e entitled to your opinion,as of course i am.If you want facts i have numerous reasons to believe MH 17 is an elaborate hoax,the agenda i'm not sure of,i can only speculate.One thing is yes the conflict between Palestine and Israel,this MH 17 has kept the reporting of the conflict in the background,eyes of the world diverted somewhat.I'm not in the habit of making up scenarios,i only do so when things don't add up.BTW one of the satanic numbers is the magic bout this... the plane alledgedly went down on the 17/7/14  14 = 2 7's....plane is a Boeing 777....plane was made in 17yrs old.....MH 17....MH 370. London bombings 7/7.There are many more oddities like these.But unless you have really looked into it then of course it would seem obsurd,but considering you havn't,having a firm opinion about it is,i'm sorry to say being ignorant.Try to keep an open mind and whatever you do don't believe everything in main stream media,they are owned by the satanic elite.

Magic number 7:

„17/7/14  14 = 2 7's....plane is a Boeing 777....plane was made in 17yrs old.....MH 17....MH 370. London bombings 7/7“

That is just… crazy. Looking for a number in an event and trying to explain a plane crash. This internet detective should work with interpol. What a great asset to the team.

+Kyong Chinpao
Some posts on Twitter and the usual media-closing-ranks over fake WMDs or other pretexts for war without any hard evidence at all other than a few Twitter posts is NOT "cold facts" ... it's bullshit, plain and simple.

What is this I don’t even?
Kyong Chinpao

+LoggerheadShrike Are you high or something? Who said anything about Twitter? Since when does anybody get their information from Twitter?

When chemtards start to talk about politics, you know something funny will come

Heather Dayvis (OP) said: 
"might cause droughts"... ha... I'm pretty sure the droughts happening in Africa are related already. 
Heather Dayvis

+Kyong Chinpao
I am not a meteorologist but am very close to one, and have actually published several podcasts with him, talking about climate change, as well as geo-engineering.  I also have a science degree.  Weather patterns aren't actually that hard to grasp when you talk with trained professionals.  I see why they are doing this (as I actually BELIEVE in climate change unlike most "truthers" as you call me) but what they are doing is wrong! Electric cars work! Nuclear fusion (with no radioactive risk) is a real possibility!  Poisoning people against their will in order to allow oil/coal/fracking companies to make more money "in the mean time" and arrogantly assume they can "control" the damage and stop it all at the last minute before the Earth is destroyed is arrogant, and just pure evil.  Thanks for asking though!

Step 1: boost your own authority. Step 2: make outrageous claims. Step 3: ???. Step 4: profit?!

+Kyong Chinpao rebuttal? kyong or just more trolls?

They are really eager to hear my opinion on this. I am like a father figure to them. I might address from a height in the future.

+madcatandfatdogs I cannot respond to a response like: "I have a science degree, so everything I will say must be true". There is no such thing as a science degree. It is an obvious lie. He probably means that he had math in high school and realised that everyone had it, so he gave it a more flashy name. SCIENCE DEGREE TO THE RESCUE.

He makes a point about companies taking immoral and obviously risky decisions for a quick and easy profit, but that has NOTHING to do with the "government is spraying us" theory. Fracking and GMO crops are actually dangerous. Contrails are not. There is no proof nor is there any scientific document that states that contrails contain any other chemical than those already known to scientists and published in papers. Fracking is tainting our drinking water and GMO crops are useless in the long run (and it could potentially be dangerous, as we do not know the long-term consequenes).

To summarize this discussion let me tell you what my problem with people like you is:

YOU are diverting people from really pressing issues. It seems that you are too dumb to see the real dangers in the world and for that reason, you are looking for these obvious hoaxes to somehow be a part of a generation that is quite critical towards big business and governments. However, you are tainting the legit criticism by posting bat-shit insane theories of mass poisoning.

Fracking, GMO crops, suspicious arms deals with obvious human rights violators, crony capitalism, changing the political agenda due to the extreme lobbying of small powerful groups, etcetera.

I bet you people do not even vote. You have the power to at least vote progressively, but you throw away that vote and keep the status quo. Good job at doing NOTHING.


+Kyong Chinpao let me just say that I agree these other things are big issues and aren't being ignored (well they kinda are) and the fact that you see the "no evidence" of geo engineering I'm not even gonna get into that  but let me just say that presidential voting is pointless(not sure if ur talking about national elections or local) the fact that america is a 2 party system where the other parties can't get anywhere makes it completely pointless also the actual impact that ur vote has is extremely minimal and not to mention the fact that america is filled with retards who are fueled by the corporate media so they have no idea what's actually going on in politics also I would like to emphasize that americas foreign policy is my biggest concern just cause we think we can go masquerading into other countries and do what we want is so cringe worthy to me and also that we spend 51% of ALL tax money on our war machine absolutely disgusts me the fact that every time I pay taxes be it sales tax or whatever half that shit is going to some billion dollar jet or something we DON'T need and don't even get me started on drones

He knows his politics. Exactly 51 % of tax money spend on war. Source: his arse.

Ok, fair enough. I'm not too fond of the 2-party system either, but all that is not the point. It was actually about chemtrails being bullshit. You either realise it is a hoax or you don't.

My 2 cents on American politics: you get what you vote for. If people aren't seriously engaging in politics, then nothing will ever change. Besides complaining about it, you can always choose the lesser evil. That is a choice you always have. Furthermore, you can actually engage in politics in a less passive way, ie. by collecting money and campaigning for independent candidates or the socialist/green party. What are you doing to spread awareness of the third option? Are you being at least active on the internet? Are you a part of demonstration ralleys?

If your answer is no to any of those, then stop pretending like you are somehow not a sheep and not part of the problem.

Be active in politics and don't think it's all bollocks. Stay factual and don't pretend like you are fighting evil in its purest form. You are not an internet hero. Neither are any of the chemtards posting here. You are all doing nothing but complain and pretend to have better insight than people who are actually studying and engaging in politics. I am glad that I live in a country with a proportional party system. Every vote counts and you have a big spectrum of parties (lots of choices). Ofcourse, in Europe there are also - most of the times - 2 big parties. The left and right. The EP also consists of 2 large chunks, but there are also a lot of small parties (which have power as well). There are problems in EU as well. I however am active in politics and so should you.


+Kyong Chinpao ye I'll admit I don't do shit about it, one reason is I'm lazy  2 but mostly is because it doesn't really matter what one single little person does if they don't have money. and I didn't say i was an internet hero NOBODY is, the only way you're a "hero" at all is by actually doing something but that would mean you're not on the internet commenting on some youtube vid right?
and the whole thing with chemtrails theres evidence for people who believe it and not at the same time (just like there's evidence for god existing[which there isn't]) but I'm in more of a standpoint of well if I'm wrong then yay all the things that I thought to be aren't true but if I'm right well then I know what's the cause for certain things (just like christians saying if they're right rapture is gonna happen and fuck everyone else not a christian)

Chemtard: Ye I’ll admit that I am only active on youtube informing people of invisible enemies and I’ll admit that it makes as much sense as the Christian religion.

"I'll admit I don't do shit about it, one reason is I'm lazy"

We are done here. Stop diverting people and live or end your pointless life. I did manage to read the "believe in God" phrase while typing this comment. Yes, that is also believing without proof. Very good analogy.


+Kyong Chinpao I agree 100 percent on what you say about politics.  Afterall, Hitler said what he was going to do in " Mein Kampf"(I haven't read it.), and at least one of our parties has pretty much said they don't want Unemployment Insurance, Medicare, Social Security, and other things.  They also don't want any debt relief for student loans.  So, don't be suprised if these go away when they get in power.

I really have no idea what he meant with the Hitler comparison. I guess that is when you know someone is running out of arguments.

O...K... What was your point? I will copy paste this entry on my chemtards blog, as I want to archive this for future laughs.