Mittwoch, 30. Juli 2014

Chemtards are wasting everyone's time

Contrails vs Chemtrails: definitions and purpose of this blog

For the first post, I already assume that you kinda know what chemtrails are. If somebody is not aware of this internet phenomenon, I will at some point make a blog entry explaining what these things are. For now, these 2 definitions will have to do.

The vapour trail left by airplanes are called contrails.

con·trail [kon-treyl] noun
A visible condensation of water droplets or ice crystals from the atmosphere, occurring in the wake of an aircraft, rocket, or missile under certain (atmospheric) conditions.

Some individuals claim that contrails aren't what they seem to be. There is more behind it and the government is keeping it a secret.

chem·trail [kem-treyl] noun
A silly hoax that spawned on the internet by internet detectives and keyboard warriors. Some paranoid individuals claim that the government uses commercial airplanes to spray the population with mysterious chemicals in order to bring it down or to manipulate the weather. The purpose of spraying the people varies from chemtard to chemtard, as these individuals actually think that they know THE TRUTH!1

The purpose of this blog is not to educate chemtards, also called believers, truthers or internet heroes. I do not have the merit to educate them nor do I have the perseverance to do so. Furthermore, there is so much information available to the chemtards to educate themselves on this subject that me putting any effort in informing them seems like a complete waste of time. I do - on the other hand - look for a discussion with these people, as it will always lead to funny responses and chemtards shedding a few tears.

Another motivation is the fact that people in my direct environment are chemtards. These people are good people. I do not dispise them nor do I look down upon them. I think that behind these internet detectives lies an urge to be sceptical towards the government and big business. There is nothing wrong with that. However, they fail to put their effort in pressing issues and they do not channel their scepticism regarding subjects like: cronyism (e.g. corruption), powerful lobbyism (i.e. implemented policies which are detrimental to - or without regarding the common good), questionable policies implemented on the basis of erroneous or unsufficient science (e.g. GMO's and fracking), long lasting poverty gaps that grow larger in stead of smaller, constantly deteriorating standards of living in parts of the world, unnecessary wars, arms deals with human rights violators, questionable weaponry and military policy (e.g. drones), and so on. In my opinion, these issues are worth a healthy dose of scepticism. Why? Because governments and big business aren't 100% right about everything. Some things in this world are fueled by greed and the will to power. In a world were greed is justified as "things are just like that and there is no alternative", we must be sceptical and that is exactly where my problem lies with chemtards. They are diverting sceptics from issues that ARE actually important.

Look, without realising, I have made the basis for an anti-hoax. The government is making chemtrail campaigns to divert sceptics from really pressing issues and therefore putting the focus of the subjects I have just mentioned. Chemtrails are a government scheme. Haha, just kidding.

The purpose and content of this blog will be about...

  1. how to make fun of chemtards
  2. discussions I have and have had with chemtards
  3. my opinion on this hoax and what it means to me
  4. the closely related hoaxes that are also worth mentioning
  5. the websites that claim that chemtrails are real
For me, this whole hoax is sad and funny at the same time. It baffles me how many chemtards believe in chemtrails and the way these people defend it is funny to say the least.

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