Mittwoch, 30. Juli 2014

Youtube conversations (part I)

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Conversation #1: how chemtrails have 'clouded' their judgement (double pun intended)

After every horizontal line comes a new comment thread. Feel free to browse the youtube video itself, that is, if you feel like participating in pissing these people off. I get some good laughs from it. Above the lines between the comments, I will underline text. This text is not part of the comment but my additional commentary on it. I will mark my own comments for clarity.

Harold Saive (OP) said:
The Billionaire club agrees there are too many people on their planet They want you off but not before they take your money and assets. They need to eat too,

Kyong Chinpao said:

wow, you sure found some interesting information on the internet. You behold all the world's secrets because you are so far above all the sheeple. Sir, you are a hero among men.

What are you going to do against this all, seeing that you have access to these highly secret information? You must be fearing for your life, seeing that you've seen through the plans of the rich and powerful. I suspect that you WILL start a revolution, right?

You, sir, are a genius and a hero!


These bankers need to sit down and rethink that entire strategy of creating an electronic control grid with locked down cities. I went to college for Microelectronics and Computer Design. I have studied the control grid being created extensively. In fact, I could design a better one for them to use on everyone, but still. No matter what kind of electronic control grid they construct, no matter how good or how advanced, I would tell them to stop for one simple reason. For their own survival.

What I would warn these bankers about, is that once any kind of electronic control grid is constructed. No matter how much they separate themselves from the 99% of everyone else, once such a system is in place, a hacker can alter the banker's data to make it look like the banker belongs in the lockdown city The banker's assets can then be stolen.

What you create for others, you will have yourself. This is what King David teaches, and King Solomon, and it's a fact.

1. "I went to college". Really? To visit a friend?
2. "(...)a hacker can alter the banker's data (...)" My guess is that you did not make it as a computer scientist, right?
Alexandra Hunter

Keep going Harold!  TY for all your service. I stand in solidarity with you and all the leaders who are telling the truth to the world  Anytime a very credible video comes out the chief shill appears.  Who in their right mind protects their own murderers?  WHO DOES THAT? 

LOL, for those that do not notice... I am the chief shill. Muahaha. I work for the gov according to these guys.
Depopulation. Like in a strategy game where you reach the unit limit and you have to suicide your peasantry to build another special unit ...

So you are saying that the government wants to build special units? If you are using the analogy, then why not UPGRADE the unit? That is also possible in most strategy games.
Nanny Wolfe

+Kyong Chinpao lol is this t the new tactic? I keep hearing this exact talking point through out the troll community lol I would say the secret is out when they started spraying in day light right in your face!

If that would happen, then yes, I would believe you.
Gábor Szűcs

If they kill off everyone, there won't be anyone left to make money, right? Don't you find that a bit illogical?

+Gábor Szűcs
Well, I;m not saying I believe in all these theories, but I have studied both arguments. The claim is that now with hi technology having advanced so much, where factories and farms can be run entirely by robots, that the billionaires don't need so many people anymore.

It is said the billionaires are looking to the future now, and they don't need countries or culture or moral or monarchies or religion. They want a world run entirely by big money, and if you don't have big money then you are just not needed anymore.

There is supposed to be a chart showing how many people they will want to keep around. I think Dr Rima has that chart, I'm not sure. But it says something like, they  only need 100 million technicians to monitor and repair the automated hi tech world they want to create and own. It is said they've been buying up the media and all the govts around the world which they've been using to advertise a big guilt complex convincing everyone there are too many people in the world. They've have looked over the history books to learn which cultural groups pose the biggest threat to their plan, and these are the morally based Jewish culture and British culture.

The billionaires themselves, with all their families and friends, number under 5 million, so they are supposedly positioning things so the world population is reduced to about 105 million, no more. The other side of the argument says that the billionaires would never do such a thing, that the billionaires do support morals and culture, just that they have forgot to fund morals and culture on TV during the past 25 years.

The claim is the billionaires are only working to help overpopulated nations obtain birth control. In reality, the overpopulated nations are flooding the advanced nations with people and will bring down those nations soon, allowing the billionaires to lend to them until those govts disappear.

It is said they want a world without religion, without morals and without culture. Just that big money runs everything.

The claim is that now with hi technology having advanced so much, where factories and farms can be run entirely by robots, that the billionaires don't need so many people anymore."

Oh god, it is like you are hearing a child speak.

"Hi technology..."
"Farms run by robots."
"Billionaires don't need so many people anymore."

+Gábor Szűcs
Nobody says to kill everyone. The herd is just to big ... they eat more as they produce. They want freedom and privileges ... these assholes. So kill 90% and its more easy to stay in charge because the slaves don't fight each other for shity jobs which will make them mad and agressive enough to burn down this fuckin system. They want happy slaves that work all the day and have no time to fight the ranchers. They lose no money by this. Take a picture of Sao Paulo where millions live behind walls ... on the other side rich fuckers with bullet proof limos ... their childs get kidnapped by this poor bastards ... beautiful life for both sides, isn't it?

90%? My sources claim it is more like 70%, then again, I am pulling my sources out of my arse like you are. 
Kyong Chinpao

The (eg) Rockefeller illuminati has done a very good job at decreasing popultion up until now. Passed 7 billion and still counting.

You are so gullible to believe everything you read on the internet. So damn gullible.

Do you also believe in reptilian aliens that live among us and shit like that? Do you believe that ancient aliens have built the pyramids?

Probably yes, seeing how credulous you are...

I know all about this bullshit that is being spewed by you lot.

Kyong Chinpao

+Nanny Wolfe If I really were to troll you, you would not have responded in such a way. I was just being overly sarcastic to prove how ridiculous you sound. I would rather think that you are the troll, seeing that you believe such nonsense and defending it on the internet.

Contrails aren't something new.

Hey! Let us create another bullshit theory about how microwaves make you impotent. Fucking government is making us impotent by offering us a tool that heats your milk in 2 minutes but also gives you testicular cancer.

THOSE BASTARDS11!!1 GOVERNMENT, STOP MAKING US IMPOTENT. but now worry.... I have bought an orgonite to save me from radition. hurr durr

Nanny Wolfe

CHINPAO MAYBE YOUR NOT A TROLL BUT YOUR ARE STUPID! we all know about contrails and they do form under the right weather conditions, but they do not form under ANY weather condtion like we are seeing! chemtrails and contrail are not the same thing! REMIND ME NOT TO SEND MY KIDS WHERE YOU WENT TO SCHOOL!

Y U MAD BRAH? Also, this person procreates... That is problematic. And... And... YOUR ARE STUPID!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

B Mac

+Nanny Wolfe   Nancy,don't waste your time with this Chinpau loser.  It's like arguing with a child. Anyone who uses phrases like "Tin foil Hat" and makes ad hominem attacks without offering any evidence or substance to prove their case in a discussion isn't a serious person. 
This guy is the worst chemtard. Misuse of the report button. Complaining about ad-hominems and calling me a loser. Calling me not serious... Okay, I'll give him that.

Also notice how B Mac and Brian McCarthy are the same person. That is called being manipulative. 
Kyong Chinpao

+B Mac
So now I have to prove how Chemtrails do not exist? How can you prove a negative? Are you retarded or just unfamiliar with proving facts?

(I had to ask him that I would disprove how chemtrails do not exist, if he could prove to me that the invisible flying spaghetti monster does not exist. He might have understood my argument)
Brian McCarthy
+Kyong Chinpao   Good bye Kyong----no one is interested in arguing with you.

Errm... yes you are. He had probably never learned that lying is a bad habit.
Brian McCarthy

+Nanny Wolfe  Just block and report him. Don't waste your time arguing with this idiot.


Kyong Chinpao

The sheer amount of paranoia and unwarrented self importance of you lot is staggering. You are all so smart to see through government plots!!

None of you actually have the merit nor the equipment to determine what is in our atmosphere.

But you go ahead and follow this cult of yours. I laugh at people like you, as you are unable to see the world for what it is. Deluded, one might call it.

Brian McCarthy

You again?   Don't you have anything else better to do?  Try going outside and getting some sun once in awhile,you kook---that is---if you can. Clear skies are getting rarer and rarer.

This guy has enough crazy too have a whole mental institute all for himself.

Kyong Chinpao

You keep popping up on my notification button. You seem to be as motivated to answer as I am, so maybe you should try going outside and getting some sun once in awhile, you kook.

Furthermore, I thought that you have blocked me, which makes you seem quite dishonest towards the other members of your cult.

I am actually trying to do you a favour by telling you that you believe in some paranoid conspiracies, yet you fail to see the bubble you are living in. Oh well...

B Mac
"A lie needs to be constantly repeated and reinforced to be believed---but the truth only needs to be said once"

After this cheap quote, I have left this discussion for what it was. What a bunch of idiots. Funny to me though. However, I have continued having fun in other threads
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Short conversations with chemtards: double line means the end of the ‘discussion’

amy2x (OP) said:
Nazi's created NASA after the Second World War. One day they will make hand soap and Lamp shades from our skin!
Kyong Chinpao

Nazi's created the Chinese and they are fighting for world dominance once more. We better be careful here...

Mindcrime1994 (OP) said:
What Happens If We Grab These Fucks and a Bag of Ropes? !!
Yeah Exactly, That's What Needs to Happen. Then the Rest of Us Can Live.

Kyong Chinpao

Yeah! You go ahead and start that revolution of yours. Good luck!

You've written this 2 days ago, so you are pretty far ahead with that revolution of yours, right?

Yes, let's lynch the imaginary super-villains!

At least, psychos will be too busy to hurt real people.

Alexandra Hunter (OP) said:
Moreover may I point out that there ARE laws being violated.  50 USC 1520 (a) as well as The united Nations Treaty signed on 12/10/76.  The criminals doing ALL of this and EVERY SINGLE PERSON COMPLICIT IN THE MASSIVE COVER UP ARE ALL GUILTY OF CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY

Tell Amnesty International then. Nah, you won’t. Subconsciously you know you are full shit. I commented right after this post and the bi**h misused the report button for harassment. Again the same tactic we’ve seen before: lalala can’t hear you.

+Kyong Chinpao
I was wondering how long it would take for the mean and nasty trolls to chime in!—no time flat. Shameful

Alexandra Hunter

reported for harassment--removed

Are you proud of yourself? It’s not like I commented that you were an ignorant cunt who should just stop breathing precious air.
Kyong Chinpao

Awww Alexandra... Did I hurt your feelings? I am sorry that your feelings got hurt due to my horrible comment.

Ofcourse they are spraying everyone and ofcourse it is against the law. The illuminati is bringing the world population down, as you can see from demographics. Just google world population and you can see how they are successfully poisoning us. World population has decreased every year in a row. Especially in Africa. They are spraying Africa the whole time. Just look at the population! It is so incredible that these people are spraying us the whole time.

But thanks to the internet investigators like Miss Hunter, we now know due to amounts of research they have done.

Research like copy pasting URLS and referring to laws even though they are not qualified to interpret law. That is how awesome you are! Humanity is in debt due to you heroes.

You are all so open-minded and smarter than the sheeple!!!!! Scientists who actually have merit in this field do not know better. They are paid by the CIA. ALL OF THEM!

[/sarcastic entry]

atlan61 (OP) said:
How appropriate on Earth Day. Good report guys, However I feel we are all domed to a life on earth in a hellish enviorment. It saddens me that the speaker from NASA is from my generation. Gen X No wonder they called our group generation nothing, because their will be NOTHING left on this earth due to these conditioned sick Mother F$##@! who impose themselves and their "theorys" on mankind. They are experimenting and WE are all the forced test subjects.

Jane Strange

Kyong Chinpao
The adverse side effects of hallucinogens... Kids, stay in school and off drugs.

Drugs r bad mkay.

Kyong Chinpao (OP) said:
If you put as much effort in shouting on the internet, than on feeding the starving children in Africa... Truthstreammedia, alternativeinformation, thrive movement, etc.

They are making money with disinformation. You guys do realize that you get money for views (if people do not have adblock +), right?

I think I have the brains to launch - or at least ride the waves of some hoax. KACHINNGGGG. Enough dumb, gullible and uninformed people on the world to exploit. Maybe I should also sell orgonite and super healing crystals.
You would all buy it without a doubt.

This response was hastily writting and I failed to make a good argument. It was also directed at the person (Lord and savior Lee Harrison) who is commenting last in this thread. Look at how crazy this guy is. It is unfortunate that I reported his comments… I actually wanted to get back the comments I have already written but google/youtube doesn’t have a report option for reporting misuse of the report button.
Kyong Chinpao


Especially watch the discussion here, great internet detective and humanities last hope Lord Harrison. The discussion is between shouty people like you and people with self-control like OP. Funny to read.


This phrase really made me laugh so hard. Good luck with living your paranoid life, brave internet warrior.

The part in full caps was a quote of him that I altered a bit. I have changed CHEMTRAILS to CONTRAILS. Like I said, unfortunately his comments got deleted.
Lee Harrison

+Kyong Chinpao Hey Fuckyong Shitpao, I've done read all this bull shit!!! Like i don't know what a fucking contrail is!!! All that talk about contrails and not even a mention about condensation trails coming off the top of the fucking wings while descending!!! I've studied the difference!!!
If the Angle of Death John P. Holdren, Chief Scientific Adviser to U.S. President Obama can inform people of the reality and truth about
#chemtrails  then why can't you!!!!? Call the WHITE HOUSE 202-224-3121 ASK FOR JOHN P. HOLDREN and find something else to try and debunk!!!
For those that do and advocate
#chemtrail   spray better pray!! And when hands go around the neck of (HOLDREN) i want them hands to be mine!!!


Check your history on what happens to tyrants... WE THE PEOPLE from which the Marines are sprung from, KILL THEM!!!!!!!

This guy is dangerously insane. Seriously.
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