Samstag, 2. August 2014

About satanic numerology and MH17

stewart watling (OP) said:
Photo of the fighter jet,its number 69,reversed its 69,satanic numerology.I don't believe a plane was shot down,these photos are just that,photos.

Freaking genius. The NWO left traces everywhere and this guy has figured it all out.

Kyong Chinpao

 "I don't believe"
"satanic numerology"
You forgot to mention jews somewhere in your mindless babble. You also forgot cold facts but belief and feeling > facts, right?

stewart watling

+Kyong Chinpao Of course your'e entitled to your opinion,as of course i am.If you want facts i have numerous reasons to believe MH 17 is an elaborate hoax,the agenda i'm not sure of,i can only speculate.One thing is yes the conflict between Palestine and Israel,this MH 17 has kept the reporting of the conflict in the background,eyes of the world diverted somewhat.I'm not in the habit of making up scenarios,i only do so when things don't add up.BTW one of the satanic numbers is the magic bout this... the plane alledgedly went down on the 17/7/14  14 = 2 7's....plane is a Boeing 777....plane was made in 17yrs old.....MH 17....MH 370. London bombings 7/7.There are many more oddities like these.But unless you have really looked into it then of course it would seem obsurd,but considering you havn't,having a firm opinion about it is,i'm sorry to say being ignorant.Try to keep an open mind and whatever you do don't believe everything in main stream media,they are owned by the satanic elite.

Magic number 7:

„17/7/14  14 = 2 7's....plane is a Boeing 777....plane was made in 17yrs old.....MH 17....MH 370. London bombings 7/7“

That is just… crazy. Looking for a number in an event and trying to explain a plane crash. This internet detective should work with interpol. What a great asset to the team.

+Kyong Chinpao
Some posts on Twitter and the usual media-closing-ranks over fake WMDs or other pretexts for war without any hard evidence at all other than a few Twitter posts is NOT "cold facts" ... it's bullshit, plain and simple.

What is this I don’t even?
Kyong Chinpao

+LoggerheadShrike Are you high or something? Who said anything about Twitter? Since when does anybody get their information from Twitter?

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