Mittwoch, 6. August 2014

Everyone else is a liar. Don't trust them

My god... I know kids that form a better argument than some chemtards do. Isn't it amazing how incredibly lazy some chemtards defend their position? Look at the comment below from this video.

Doug De Vries 
they don't talk about what you call "chemtrails" at all. they are talking about tracer agents released by rockets to study winds in the upper atmosphere and electrical interactions in the ionosphere. they aren't blanketing the sky with these tracers, and these rocket launches are announced months in advance.

i wonder, why the only evidence you conspiracy theorists can come up with are youtube videos that do not support their claims??

Doug is making a compelling argument. Wonder how the chemtards will defend their cause now.
k kb

A troll. Everyone, Doug De Vries is a troll, please ignore him. There is a tremendous amount of evidence out there, videos, images and testimonials, results from microscopic analyses of tissue samples and more. There are private companies contracted to do the dirty work of releasing chemtrails and do geo-engineering.

Questioning the motives of Doug and not answering his argument head on. Good rebuttal, chap.
Kyong Chinpao

+k kb Everyone that opposes my view is a troll or government agent. Hey everyone don't listen to people that oppose our views. They are just there to disrupt our views. We are special. We have the truth. Other people are government agents and trolls. Other people are sheeple. They know nothing. They are being manipulated by the mind control poison of the illuminati. WE have the TRUTH, right?!

These sites are also from the government so IT MUST BE A LIE, right?

Oh yeah, you are going to be covered by my super cool new website:

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